Sunday, March 15, 2009

Oh yeah....

This is not an OH YEAH, I lost 10 pounds this week. This is an oh yeah, I forgot to mention.....I'm not going to do my Weighty Wednesdays this month (only this month). Since I've given myself a huge # for this month I've decided to only weigh in once at the end of the month. It's so hard to watch the numbers fluctuate weekly that I don't want to get myself too discouraged.

Still hanging in there and exercising daily. Not as much as I'd like, but exercising just the same.

The ALS ride probably isn't going to pan out because of work and how far away it is (3 1/2 hours one way). So I'll continue to ride the bike and be ready for next year.

I just want to mention that I had a weak moment with some Girl Scout cookies. Being back at work is great. Just not the part where everyone wants you to help their kids be the top cookie seller in Girl Scouts. I'm such a people pleaser I just can't say no. So we had four boxes in the house. Two boxes of Thin Mints, 1 of the lemons, and another. They sat on the counter for four days - four days and I was fine. Then all of a sudden I had a hankering for one of those damn things. Did I eat just one. Hell no, I ate four. The boxes are now gone thank goodness and those little Girl Scouts are done selling in our area. Thank God!

Have a great week!


Dutch said...

My husband bought some Girl Scout cookies and I didn't see one of them. I think he took them to work. I am happy he did because I love those cookies. I know what you mean about weighing in. I think that is a great idea for you. I don't know if I could wait that long to weigh myself. Have a great week.

Tamzin said...

yep - I can't start eating that kind of stuff. Must keep that sugar out of the house!


Chubby Chick said...

Girl Scout Cookies are the devil. hehe

Seriously... you really didn't do that bad. I remember times when I have eaten the entire box of cookies in one sitting! Good for you for stopping at 4! :)

wildfluffysheep said...

Yeah man. Kudos for stopping at 4. I ain't had a cookie in forever, its never just one or four for me....

Good resolve about not weighing in constantly. I weigh in once a week and I'm still checking every spare minute I get and the fluctuating drives me nuts. Even if I lose sometimes its hollow because I spent the entire week worrying!

Crystal said...

I have to stay away from those because I can't eat just 1 or 4. They ARE the devil!

bbubblyb said...

4 isn't bad definitely could have been worse. I think just weighing in at the end of the month is a good plan. I keep feeling like I could get away from the weekly weigh-ins myself.

Mrs. Bradley said...

Congrats in the 4 cookies. That is restraint. You should be really proud of me.
The weight loss is good also. I hope to put up some good numbers soon. I need 2 watch my intake first though.

Keep up the good work.

Danielle said...

That was the most dedicated commenting session I have ever seen! Thank you for all of the encouragement and support. I feel like you are my sister from the southeast!

I like that you are going to do the once a month weigh in. Sometimes the weekly ones seem like a rush... or a race to lose. That is not what we are doing! Long term!

Two things... I almost died when I watched Jon Stewart interview Jim Crammer from MSNBC... if you did not see the week long battle that ended with the interview... it would be worth the time investment to watch the whole week of shows on the Daily Show website.

The second is I would reccomend watching the Larry the Cable Guy roast on Comedy Central. I don't know if it is available online- if not you might want to try to see if it is on rerun... My husband and I gave up two hours of sleep to watch it because it was so FUCKINGOUTOFCONTROL. It was the dirtiest, foulest, and funniest thing ever!

Lynn said...

I agree that you did great with the girl scout cookies. I am fortunate that I only have to dodge the cookie sellers at the grocery store and not at work or home! We have not had girl scout cookies in the house in years.!

I can't wait to see how your month goes! As a daily scale stepper (yes, I know I am obsessed), I can't imagine staying off for a whole month!

~closed~ said...

OMG. Chubby Chick stole my comment. "Girl Scout Cookies are the devil". Amen to that sistah!

Mary said...

OHH it must be such a torture to have had those boxes of cookies at home. I am so bad with having ANY junk food at home, I tend to finish everything in one go, so the only thing I can do is to not buy any >__<

The Fatty Cake Girls said...

I should weigh in once a month. I get so discouraged watching the fluctuations. I (for shame) admit that I weigh myself every few days. Just to see if I should celebrate, or freak out. I hate that about myself. Do you lock your scale up? :)

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Tennessee, United States
I'm just ready for a change. I'm hoping that this will be a place to meet people who are struggling as I am and we can help each other out.