Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Take the good with the bad

So a few things I'm proud of this week (and a few I need to work on)

Good things:

1. I walked 15.65 miles, it's actually more but I wasn't wearing my nifty little tracking device. And no, it's not a ankle monitor. LOL
It's a Lifesource Wireless Activity Monitor
It's been helpful tracking calories/time/steps - but it's not perfect by any means. First of all...far too expensive. We only paid $39.99 so it was a better deal than most places. The second problem is that the battery isn't replaceable. It is accurate though, if I walk 2.5 miles on my treadmill the software shows that same information. So, it's been helpful.

2. I baked cookies/goodies for the holidays three days straight. I only had a few bites of things. Normally I'd test all of the dough and then have a few cookies to top it off. This time I had my husband be the guinea pig. It worked out great.

3. I tried to stay positive after my last "I'm pissed" post. I got over it and got back on my trusty little treadmill and threw in a few walking videos as well.

Bad things:

1. Tested cookies. Not a lot - but still tested a few.

We had take out twice this week and I made bad choices. I knew I was making them too. I have to live with the scale now. I take full responsibility. I was tired from all of the baking and didn't want to cook dinner.

Didn't work out for two days this week (Saturday & today)

So, I'll take the good with the bad. It's not the end of the world. We're heading down to Georgia for the Christmas break.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Christmas.

Be back before the new year - and I really hope that I'm at the same weight. No promises though!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Holy16miles! That is a lot of walking! I think taking days off is a good idea. Not as in sitting on the ass all day but everyday doesn't have to be hardcore. Sometimes movement and moderate activity takes care of business. Wow. Great week. Congratulations!

About Me

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Tennessee, United States
I'm just ready for a change. I'm hoping that this will be a place to meet people who are struggling as I am and we can help each other out.